Renuka Swamy Murder Case: Bengaluru police on Wednesday filed a chargesheet against 17 accused, including Kannada actor Darshan Thoogudeepa, in the Renukaswami murder case. Bengaluru Police Commissioner B Dayanand told the media that a ‘strong’ chargesheet has been prepared after investigating all aspects.
The police said that the chargesheet includes statements of 231 witnesses and technical and electronic evidence. They also said that the case was investigated at a high level. The police filed a 3991-page chargesheet (with seven volumes and 10 files) in the court of the 24th Additional Chief Metropolitan Magistrate.
Three direct eyewitnesses of the case
Dayanand said, ‘We have arrested 17 people in this case, who are currently in judicial custody. There are three direct eyewitnesses, 27 witnesses have given their statements before the court and other witnesses have recorded their statements before the police. We have sent many contents related to the investigation to FSL (Forensic Science Laboratory) here and CFSL (Central Forensic Science Laboratory, Hyderabad). We have received their reports, but some reports from CFSL are yet to be received.’
Blood stains found on Darshan’s clothes
According to police sources, investigation of the call detail records and tower location of the mobile phones of the accused proves their presence at the crime location and apart from witnesses, they have enough evidence to prove the presence of the accused with Renukaswamy on the day of the incident. Renukaswamy’s blood stains were found on the clothes of some of the accused, including Pavithra Gowda, and this fact has been confirmed with the help of the report received from the FSL. This is a crucial evidence and has been mentioned in the charge sheet.
Pavithra Gowda is the ‘main accused’
Police sources said accused number one Pavitra was the ‘main reason’ for Renukaswamy’s murder. They claimed that investigations have proved that she instigated the other accused, conspired with them and participated in the crime.
Charge sheet filed against 17 accused
Dayanand said that 56 police officers are among the witnesses in the case. Police said in a statement that a chargesheet has been filed against 17 accused based on eyewitnesses, circumstantial, technical, scientific and other evidence collected by the investigators. The evidence collected has been produced in the court under Section 173 (8) of the CrPC (Code of Criminal Procedure).
Things hidden to save Darshan
The chargesheet also gives details of photographs of Renukaswamy’s dead body. These photographs were recovered from the mobile phone of one of the accused. These photographs were allegedly taken at the crime scene (parking shed) after Renukaswamy’s death and sent to other main accused in the case. He said that the clothes, shoes and money used by Darshan to save him from the case which were hidden have also been recovered by the police and their full details have been given in the chargesheet.
What is the matter?
Renukaswamy used to use a fake Instagram account to send obscene messages and pictures to Pavithra Gowda and the actress told this to her assistant Pawan. Pawan told Darshan about this. Sources said that after this Darshan asked Raghavendra, the president of his fans club in Chitradurga, to bring Renukaswamy to Bangalore and murdered her.
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