Ranvir Shorey Claimed On Pooja Bhatt Brother: Ranveer Shorey, who returned from Bigg Boss OTT 3, is seen in the mood of making new revelations these days. The actor has rejected all the derogatory allegations against him and said that Mahesh Bhatt has spread a lot of lies about him in the media. Actually there were reports that Ranveer Shorey and Pooja Bhatt were in a relationship, but due to some problems their relationship got spoiled.
Ranveer Shorey denied all the allegations
Recently, the actor gave an interview to Siddharth Kannan. During this, Ranveer Shorey was asked about his rift with the Bhatt family. Then the actor said that the veteran filmmaker ‘molested’ him. Ranveer and Pooja were good friends before they started dating and living together. But their relationship deteriorated later. He has denied the allegations of assault and abuse against Pooja Bhatt.
Mahesh Bhatt spread false stories about me
Ranveer said, ‘At the time when we had a fight, I felt that the respect I had for him was used by him very cleverly. When the fight happened, he told my father, ‘Okay, let’s end this matter here.’ The next day, he started publishing lies about me, publishing false stories against me in the media, portraying me as a drunkard and an abusive man. Ranveer said that while all this is a lie’.
Ranveer accused Pooja’s brother of assaulting him
During this, when Ranveer was asked if the fight was only between him and Pooja, Ranveer said, ‘It was her brother who beat me up. He (Mahesh Bhatt) could have told these people not to say such things. In this way, I felt that he (Mahesh Bhatt) was trying to trick me. However, these are all 25-year-old stories, I don’t want to get into them now.’
Pooja Bhatt had accused Ranveer
Let us tell you that Pooja Bhatt had claimed that Ranveer used to get ‘violent’ when he was drunk and used to physically abuse her. Earlier in Bigg Boss, Ranveer Shorey, while talking about his relationship with Pooja Bhatt, had called it the biggest scandal of his life.
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