Priyanka Chopra has shared beautiful pictures of her Mumbai trip on her Instagram account. In which he showed a glimpse of all his events to the fans.
In these pictures, the desi girl was also seen attending the screening of her Marathi film ‘Paani’ produced by Purple Pebble Pictures.
In one photo, Priyanka is posing with her special friends. In which she is posing on the couch wearing a bathrobe.
Along with this, the actress also showed a glimpse of her makeup room in a photo. In which she was seen sitting on the floor getting her heels fixed.
Priyanka also shared a photo from her home. Where Nadar came while sitting at her window watching the beautiful view of the sea.
Priyanka also ate her favorite and famous food of Mumbai during this trip. In a photo, he also showed fans a glimpse of this food.
While sharing these pictures, Priyanka Chopra wrote in the caption, ‘The entire calendar is there, but there are small things in it too.’
Talking about work front, Priyanka Chopra will soon be seen in Amazon Prime Video series ‘Citadel Season 2’.
Published at : 19 Oct 2024 09:39 PM (IST)
Priyanka Chopra Bollywood