The troubles of Pavel Durov, founder and CEO of messaging app Telegram, are increasing after his arrest in France. Initial charges have been framed against him on Wednesday. Many serious charges have been framed against the Russian origin tech businessman in the French court.
You will have to go to the police station twice a week
Along with framing charges against the Telegram CEO, he has been asked to pay 5 million euros for bail. That is, Pavel Durov will have to pay about Rs 47 crore to get bail now. French authorities have also banned Pavel Durov from leaving the country for the time being. He has been asked to report to the police station twice every week.
Durov has citizenship of several countries
Although Pavel Durov was born in Russia, he has citizenship of many countries other than Russia. Durov has been living in France for the past several years. He also has French citizenship. Apart from Russia and France, the Telegram CEO also has citizenship of the United Arab Emirates and Saint Kitts and Nevis.
Reaction of Russia and UAE to the arrest
Durov’s citizenship of many countries has made his arrest an international issue. Russia has suspected his arrest in France to be a retaliatory action. Russia has also assured Durov of providing all kinds of legal help. Reacting to Durov’s arrest, the United Arab Emirates has asked France to provide him with all kinds of legal options.
The arrest is being criticized in the tech world
The impact of Durov’s arrest is being seen widely. Many giants of the tech world have protested his arrest and have called the French authorities’ move an attack on freedom of expression. Those who have criticized include names like the world’s richest man Elon Musk, Vitalik Buterin, co-founder of the second largest cryptocurrency Ethereum, Indian-origin American entrepreneur Balaji Srinivasan and Edward Snowden, a big advocate of free speech.
Also read: Protests started against the arrest of Telegram founder, including Elon Musk and Ethereum co-founder, they raised their voice