Vikrant Massey, Raashi Khanna and Riddhi Dogra played lead roles in the political drama The Sabarmati Report directed by Dheeraj Sarna. The film is based on a journalist who investigates the 2002 Godhra train fire in Gujarat. A few years later, another journalist receives a hidden report that exposes a conspiracy involving powerful figures. This film is being released on OTT platform Zee5 on January 10.
Many actors including Jahaan Kapoor, Rahul Bhatt, Paramveer Singh Cheema, Anurag Thakur and Siddhant Gupta will be seen in the series Black Warrant directed by Vikramaditya Motwane. The story of the series is based on Tihar Jail. This series will hit the OTT platform Netflix on January 10.
Fans are eagerly waiting for the second installment of Goosebumps The Vanishing. This horror series starring David Schwimmer will be released on OTT platform Hotstar on January 10.
Guillaume Canet, Stéphane Calord and Nassim Lyas play important roles in Ad Vitam, packed with drama and action. This series will be released on Netflix on January 10.
Asura will whet your appetite for more great Japanese TV until Shogun returns for season two. Set in 1979, Asur is the story of four sisters whose lives are turned upside down when they discover their father’s affair. Rei Miyazawa, Machiko Ono and Jolene Kim have played important roles in the series. Asur will hit Netflix on January 9.
Starring Troian Bellisario, Brandon Larracuente and Eric La Salle, On Call is the story of two California police officers, Tracy Harmon (Bellisario) and Alex Diaz (Larracuente). This film will be released on Prime Video on January 9.
Breakthrough is based on a non-fiction book by Peter Eggers and Mattias Nordqvist. It is a crime thriller in which a shocking double murder case remains unsolved for 16 years. Then a detective and a genealogist come together to find out the truth, the four-part series is quite brilliant. It was released on Netflix on January 7.
Published at : 07 Jan 2025 09:59 AM (IST)