In the first photo shared by Alia Bhatt, Ranbir Kapoor is seen kissing his lady love. During this time Raha is also seen with him.
Alia has also shared a selfie with her mother Soni Razdan. In one photo, she was seen posing with sister Shaheen Bhatt.
Sitting on her father’s lap, Raha was seen engrossed in the game. Ranbir-Alia were seen enjoying the sunset.
In one photo, Raha Kapoor can be seen sitting on Alia’s lap. During this, she is seen pointing towards the moon.
Alia has also shared pictures with her family members. She was seen taking a selfie with mother-in-law Neetu Kapoor and sister-in-law Riddhima.
Along with the post, Alia wrote in the caption – ‘2025: Where love leads and everything else follows. Happy New Year everyone.
Published at : 02 Jan 2025 09:46 PM (IST)