Neetu Kapoor Ignores Alia Bhatt: Veteran Bollywood actress Neetu Kapoor always dominates. She is very active on social media and whenever she goes to any event, she becomes the life of the place. Recently the Kapoor family celebrated the 100th birth anniversary of Raj Kapoor. Whose photos and videos have gone viral on social media. Meanwhile, another video has surfaced in which Neetu Kapoor is seen ignoring her daughter-in-law Alia Bhatt. People are commenting after watching this video. They feel that something is not going well between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law.
The entire Kapoor family came together on Raj Kapoor’s birth anniversary. Everyone also got photos clicked together. This is a video taken during this time in which Alia is seen calling everyone for photos.
Neetu Kapoor ignored her daughter-in-law
In the viral video, Alia Bhatt is seen helping her husband Ranbir Kapoor in managing the family. In the video, she is asking the rest of the family members to go to the photo point. However, when Alia tells her mother-in-law Neetu Kapoor, she goes straight ahead without even looking at Alia. In the video, Alia is seen saying Mom Mom and is also seen holding her hand but Neetu Kapoor ignores Alia and leaves.
Users commented
People are commenting a lot on this video of Neetu Kapoor and Alia Bhatt. They are saying that mother-in-law is mother-in-law. One user wrote – Mother-in-law’s attitude towards daughter-in-law in family function is permanent. While another wrote – Mother-in-law is always mother-in-law, whether it is yours or a celebrity’s. One wrote – Is his mother-in-law like this? Many such comments are coming after Neetu Kapoor’s reaction.
Apart from Neetu Kapoor and Alia Bhatt, another video is going viral. This video is of Ranbir Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan. Looking at it, it seems that there is an argument between the two about something.
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