Mukesh Ambani’s retail company Reliance Retail has given a great gift to its employees amid speculations of IPO. Reliance Retail has given shares worth Rs 351 crore to its 15 senior employees. These shares have been given during the last financial year and have been distributed under the Employee Stock Option Plans.
Information given to the Registrar of Companies
Reliance Retail has given information about the shares given to top employees under ESOP in a filing with the Registrar of Companies. The company has said that shares with a face value of Rs 10 each have been distributed at the rate of Rs 796.5 per share. A total of 4.417 million shares of the company have been given to the benefited employees. The company has said that whenever its IPO comes, the board will take necessary steps to list the shares distributed under ESOP.
IPO may come in two years
Let us tell you that speculations about Reliance Retail’s IPO and listing of its shares in the stock market have intensified in the market. It is being said in many reports that Reliance Retail’s IPO may be disclosed in the AGM of Reliance Industries to be held today. An ET report quoted analysts as saying that Reliance Retail’s IPO is likely to be launched in the next two years.
Shares worth crores were distributed to them in ESOP
The Reliance Retail employees who have been allotted shares under ESOP include Director V Subramaniam, Chief Executive of Grocery Retail Damodar Mall, Chief Executive of Fashion and Lifestyle Business Akhilesh Prasad, Chief Business Officer of Electronics Retail Kaushal Nevrekar, Group Chief Business Operations Ashwin Khasgiwala and Chief Executive of Ajio Vineet Nair.
These senior employees also got shares
Apart from them, Reliance Retail has also allotted shares under ESOP to Kamdev Mohanty, Chief Operating Officer, Grocery Retail and JioMart, Pratik Mathur, Head of Strategy and Projects, Vipin Tyagi, Chief Operating Officer, Reliance Trends, and Ketan Modi, Chief Operating Officer, FMCG Business.
Also read: Not Mukesh Ambani, these people have the maximum shares of Reliance Industries