Mirzapur Actor Anjum Sharma Struggle: It has been a long time since the Mirzapur web series was released. Those who have been watching it since the first season would know very well who Sharad Shukla of Jaunpur is. In season 3, Sharad Shukla dominated from the first episode itself, but in the last show, he got such a reward from Kaleen Bhaiya that now he has been eliminated from the fourth season. Yes, here we are talking about Anjum Sharma. Anjum Sharma has created her own identity in the eyes of the fans through this show. Let’s know about him in a little more detail.
Recognition received after 12 years of struggle
Born in Delhi, Anjum Sharma came to Mumbai in his childhood. When he was young, he thought of becoming a storyteller. After completing his studies, he worked in film making. After this, he also worked as an assistant director in ad films with Anand L Rai for a year. After doing theatre for about eight years, he struggled for about 12 years in the world of acting, only then he could get recognition.
Sometimes I had to sleep by spreading a newspaper outside the studio
Anjum had told during a podcast that earlier she had auditioned for the role of Munna Bhaiya. She also liked this role. But when she saw Divyendu Sharma in this role, she thought that even if he got selected, he would have rejected this role himself, because this role was not made for him.
Apart from this, he also talked about his struggle. The actor told that there were times when he had to sleep outside the studio by spreading newspapers. During that period, he used to wander around for work.
The first film won eight Oscars
A long time ago, during an interview, she had told that she has worked with director Anand L Rai. She has worked as an assistant director in Tanu Weds Manu. Anjum started her acting career with the film Slumdog Millionaire. This film won eight Oscar awards.
The film was made to buy a camera
Anjum Sharma told that he was a theatre artist and once he got a call for a look test. He also gave an audition for it but he did not get the role of his choice.
After three-four months, he got another call and that call was from Hollywood director Danny Boyle. He had directed Slumdog Millionaire. The actor said that he had to work with the director because he needed a DSLR camera. After this, he bought the camera with the money he got.
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