Famous Malayalam film actor Dilip Shankar who "Panchagni" Like he was popular for hit serials. He was found dead in a hotel in Thiruvananthapuram. Dilip had not come out of his room for two days due to which his co-actors were very worried. When they called Dilip and did not get any response, his co-actors -The actors thought of going to the hotel. When they reached the hotel, the staff there told that a strange smell was coming from Dilip’s room, upon checking which they found Dilip’s dead body. There is no evidence of this incident yet. But the investigation is going on. Dilip’s fans are quite shocked to hear this news. Popular actress Seema Narayan also shared a condolence letter for Dilip and said that just five days ago Dilip had called her but he was not well. Could not talk to. He is very sad about Dilip’s death.