Pan Card Loan: If you need money immediately in an emergency, personal loan is a better option. With this, you not only get the money immediately, but there are also many options to repay it. Now you can get a loan up to Rs 5,000 only with the help of PAN card. The process of applying for this is also very easy. Today through this news we are going to give you detailed information about this.
pan card loan
Like Aadhaar and Voter ID, PAN card is also a very important document. Whenever you apply for a loan, PAN card is mostly required, but now you can get a loan up to Rs 5,000 on PAN card also based on your credit score and identity. Along with digital lending apps and NBFCs, there are many banks which provide this type of loan.
Apply for loan through PAN card in this way
- First of all, find out which is the bank or NBFC which gives loan in minimum amount with limited formalities.
- Now it is important to understand how much interest is charged on it, how much is the processing fee, how much time does it take to repay the loan. In this way you can find a better option for yourself.
- Now go to the lender’s website or visit the branch and apply.
- During this, you will have to give many important information like how much loan you want, what is your credit score etc.
- Now upload PAN card as your identity proof.
- At some places you may also need to provide Aadhar card or income proof.
- If the information given is correct, the loan is approved instantly.
- However, it is worth keeping in mind that the interest on such loans is higher because they are unsecured and there is no need to keep anything as a guarantee.
Disclaimer: (The information provided here is being provided for information only. It is important to note here that investment in the market is subject to market risks. Always seek expert advice before investing money as an investor. does not advise anyone It is never advisable to invest money here.)
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