Sonakshi Sinha and Ritesh Deshmukh Horror Comedy film ‘Kakuda’ has been released on OTT Platform ZEE5. The film gives you theatre-like fun on the digital screen. According to its genre, it makes you laugh as well as scares you. Sonakshi Sinha is seen in a double role and she has done her job well. Ritesh Deshmukh’s entry is a little late in the film, but when he comes on screen, he manages to overshadow the others. The film is directed by Aditya Sarpotdar. If we talk about the story, there is a village where if the small door of the house does not open at 7 o’clock, a ghost comes and does something such that a hunchback comes out. The person dies on the 13th day. What is the secret, do watch it.