Reliance Jio has recently launched a new data voucher, worth only Rs 11. This voucher is special for those users who have exhausted their daily data limit or who need additional data for a short period of time. Jio’s Rs 11 data voucher gives 10GB high-speed 4G data and is valid for one hour. It can be used only for internet services, there is no calling and SMS facility.
India’s cheapest recharge plan
This data voucher is available on MyJio app and website. The most important thing is that this voucher will work even without the base pack, but in this case your connectivity will be limited to internet only. If you have a base pack which includes calling and SMS, you can use this data voucher along with your other telecom services.
This Rs 11 data voucher from Jio has been made available to both prepaid and postpaid users, however, it is possible that this voucher plan may not work on some postpaid plans. To get more information about this, you can check the details by going to MyJio app. This voucher is the cheapest data pack in India.
Cheapest plan of Airtel and Vi
For example, Airtel’s cheapest data plan is priced at Rs 49, which offers unlimited 4G data for 1 day. At the same time, the cheapest plan of Vi is Rs 23, which gives 1GB data and its validity is 1 day. Jio’s Rs 11 data voucher can prove to be a great option for those who want high-speed data for a short period of time and are also looking for affordable plans.
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