IPL 2025 Shah Rukh Khan and Ness Wadia Argument: There was a lot of debate among the league owners regarding the mega auction of Indian Premier League 2025. In this debate, Kolkata Knight Riders co-owner Shahrukh Khan and Punjab Kings co-owner Ness Wadia came face to face. The Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) has confirmed the heated debate between the two in this meeting with the Indian Premier League (IPL) franchise owners. The main issue of discussion was how many players should be retained through retention or right to match card before the mega auction for IPL 2025.
Many team owners are against the mega auction
A mega auction is to be held before the start of the IPL 2025 season, but many team owners are against it. They want to have a stable roster of players and reward young players who go on to become superstars.
Why did a heated argument happen between Shahrukh and Ness?
The IPL team owners discussed various aspects like the mega auction, retention policy and impact player rule. According to a top BCCI source, Shah Rukh strongly argued against the mega auction. At one point, the Kolkata Knight Riders owner was also seen in a heated debate with Ness Wadia over the number of retentions. Shah Rukh was in favour of major retentions while Wadia was against it.
A senior BCCI official said, “This meeting proved to be a useful dialogue. Although no final decision was taken, the views of the team owners were heard and will be considered. The IPL Governing Council will discuss these issues and take a final decision.”
These owners were present in the meeting
Many team owners participated in this meeting. These included Shahrukh Khan, Kavya Maran, Ness Wadia, Sanjeev Goenka, KK Grand, Parth Jindal, Manoj Badal, Ranjit Barthakur, Prathamesh Mishra, Kashi Vishwanathan, Rupa Gurunath, Amit Soni and the owner of Mumbai Indians.
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