Apple has announced the launch of the iPhone 16 Series on September 9 next week. Earlier, new information has come out about the iPhone 17 Pro Max, in which many features including the RAM of the phone have been revealed. It is being told that this could be the strongest phone ever. Apple analyst Ming-Chi-Kuo has given information about many other features including the RAM of the iPhone 17 Pro Max.
Ming-Chi-Kuo has shared a post on the social media platform X. In this post, he has shared information about the iPhone 17 Pro Max to be launched next year. This phone will get support of 12GB RAM. Also, other models of this series iPhone 17, iPhone 17 Ultra, iPhone 17 Pro and iPhone SE 4 will get 8GB RAM. This Pro Max model can get more RAM to improve AI capabilities. iPhone 17 Pro Max will be launched in 2025. This new iPhone model will use graphite sheet for thermal management.
Among the 2025 new iPhone models, only the iPhone 17 Pro Max will feature the following specifications:
1. 12GB DRAM (while the ultra-thin iPhone, iPhone 17, iPhone 17 Pro, and SE4 will all have 8GB). Enhanced on-device AI capabilities will likely be a major selling point for…
— 郭明錤 (Ming-Chi Kuo) (@mingchikuo) August 29, 2024
These features will be available including iOS 19
Let us tell you that the upgraded version of iPhone 16 Pro Max, which will be launched on September 9 this year, will be iPhone 17 Pro Max. This premium phone will be equipped with iOS 19 and on-device AI feature. However, the company has not yet given information about this. But it is possible that Apple may not continue its old models.
iPhone 16 series launch event will be held on September 9
Apple will introduce four models of iPhone on September 9, iPhone 16 as well as iPhone 16 Plus, iPhone 16 Pro and iPhone 16 Pro Max. Apart from this, many other devices can also be introduced. People are very excited about this event. Apple is preparing to bring new changes in this iPhone series.
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