Due to iodine deficiency, the level of iodine in the body decreases due to which thyroid hormone is produced. Thyroid hormone is believed to regulate metabolism, growth and other functions. Without iodine in the body, there is an inability to produce adequate thyroid hormones. Due to which many health problems can occur.
According to the World Health Organization, iodine deficiency is one of the most preventable causes of mental and physical disability worldwide. This is really a serious problem as almost two billion people in the world are suffering from iodine deficiency. The risk level is highest in pregnant women and children.
Symptoms of Iodine Deficiency:
goiter in the neck
fatigue and weakness
weight gain
hair fall
dry skin
lack of concentration and memory
slow growth and development
Due to iodine deficiency
There are many causes of iodine deficiency, among them:
Iodine deficiency is mainly caused by iodine rich food items. Pregnant and lactating women require more iodine than others to ensure their health as well as the development of their baby. If they do not consume enough iodine rich food. So the risk of iodine deficiency is higher in these women.
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Test to detect iodine deficiency
Usually quite simple and can be done with minimal tests which include urine analysis or blood test, checking thyroid hormone levels and ultrasound to check for goiter. In some cases radioactive iodine uptake testing will also be recommended. And this will usually be necessary to assess thyroid functions.
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treatment of iodine deficiency
It mainly depends on the severity of its treatment. In most cases this can be easily corrected by eating more iodine-rich foods or using iodine supplements. In severe cases, doctors may prescribe thyroid hormones to increase thyroid function.
Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.
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