Jay Shah At Ayodhya: On Sunday, Union Home Minister Amit Shah’s son and ICC Chairman Jai Shah reached Ayodhya. During this period, tight security arrangements were made. However, after reaching Ayodhya, Jai Shah visited the Ram temple along with Ramlala and saw the details of its construction. After this he reached Hanumangarhi where he offered prayers. Jai Shah’s pictures and videos are becoming increasingly viral on social media. Earlier recently, Jay Shah had become the chairman of ICC. Before becoming ICC Chairman, Jay Shah was playing the role of BCCI Secretary.
Jay Shah becomes part of Marylebone Cricket Club
At the same time, Jay Shah has been included in the new advisory board of Marylebone Cricket Club (MCC), World Cricket Connects. Apart from ICC President and former BCCI Secretary Jay Shah, Sourav Ganguly has been made a part of the Marylebone Cricket Club. Apart from these two Indians, 13 members will be included in the World Cricket Connects Board. It will be presided over by former Sri Lankan captain Kumar Sangakkara. While its other members include Sourav Ganguly, Graeme Smith, Andrew Strauss and England women’s team captain Heather Knight.
#WATCH Chairman – International Cricket Council (ICC), Jay Shah arrives at Uttar Pradesh’s Ayodhya pic.twitter.com/pRGppHM2PJ
— ANI (@ANI) January 26, 2025
Let us tell you that the World Cricket Committee was formed almost 19 years ago in 2006, but now the World Cricket Connects Advisory Board will replace the World Cricket Committee. The last meeting of this committee was held in the summer last year. It is noteworthy that the World Cricket Committee was an independent body with no formal powers, but its recommendations have often been adopted by the ICC. For your information, let us tell you that DRS, World Test Championship, introduction of day-night in Test cricket and shot clock to improve slow over-rate were the recommendations of the World Cricket Connects Advisory Board World Cricket Committee, which was later adopted by the ICC.