Hrithik On His Father Rakesh Roshan Shot Incident: In the year 2000, Hrithik Roshan’s first film Kaho Na Pyaar Hai was released. This film was a blockbuster at the box office. Just a few days after the success of Kaho Na Pyaar Hai, Rakesh Roshan was attacked in broad daylight in Mumbai. Despite being hit by two bullets, Rakesh drove himself to the hospital. This incident was suspected to be related to the underworld. Meanwhile, Bollywood superstar Hrithik Roshan was seen getting emotional remembering that painful incident in the new docu-series, The Roshans.
Hrithik’s father Rakesh Roshan was shot in the year 2000
In the docu-series, The Roshans, Hrithik Roshan recalls the incident when his father was shot, saying, “Oh God, that was a very difficult time. But I don’t think I felt fear for my father. He was superman. Even when he was in the hospital, I remember seeing a glimpse of blood-red sheets and it scared me for a moment. But the next moment, my dad was talking, laughing, and looking like he could handle it.”
Rakesh Roshan woke up screaming at night
Hrithik further says, “A month later, my mother told me that one night my father woke up screaming for help, thinking he had been shot. That’s when I realized the weakness behind Superman. The actor revealed, “His face was so strong that he never let his soft side show. The docu-series also included footage of Hrithik Roshan discussing the immediate aftermath of the incident in 2000.
Let us tell you that when Rakesh Roshan was shot, Hrithik had just started his acting career. He became an overnight star with Kaho Na Pyaar Hai. But the incident that happened with his father had deeply shocked him and the entire Roshan family was shaken.
hrithik roshan work front
Talking about work front, Hrithik Roshan will soon be seen in War 2. Fans are eagerly waiting for this movie. Junior NTR will also be seen playing an important role in War 2. This film will hit the theaters on 14 August 2025. Apart from this, the actor also has many projects.
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