Body Water Level : You must have often heard people say that you should drink plenty of water, drinking water is good for health, less water can increase problems. This is absolutely true. Actually, 60-70% of our body is water. To work, the body needs sufficient amount of water and oxygen. The body should remain hydrated, that is, there should be no shortage of water. Most activities inside the body have an important role of hydration (water).
Water only works like keeping body temperature maintaining, making digestion healthy and improving blood circulation. In such a situation, the question arises that how will we know that the amount of water in the body has reduced. Is there any way? Let’s know …
1. Urine color
If the color of urine is very dark, then it can be a sign of water scarcity. The color of urin becomes thick when there is dehydration in the body. If this happens, the amount of water should be increased.
2. Pinch Test
According to experts, you can also take the help of a pinch test to detect dehydration in the body. For this, keep your palm downwards and put the skin above the hand lightly, then leave. If the skin immediately comes into its earlier condition, then it means hydrated. If this does not happen, then understand that there is a shortage of water in the body.
Also read: If you want to avoid heart attack, do exercise on an empty stomach daily, the risk of stroke will be reduced
3. The face tells the level of water in the body
Doctors say that when there is a lack of water in the body, dryness starts appearing around the nose, on the forehead or on the cheeks. Apart from this, if the face feels tightness when washed with plain water or dryness comes on the face, then it can also be due to lack of water. If acne is increasing suddenly on the face, then this can also happen due to dehydration. Due to lack of water, seaban production on the face starts increasing and pores are clogged, which cause acne.
4. Swelling on the face
Doctors say that if there is lack of water in the body properly and there is a lack of water in the body, then after sleeping, there may be mild swelling on the face, puffiness or skin tight under the eyes.
These methods can also find out the lack of water in the body
Headache and fast fatigue
Muscle cramps and sharp pain
Dry lips and tongue
Decrease in blood pressure
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