Diet Tips : Sugar and salt are one of the biggest enemies of your health. Often doctors refuse to take these two in large quantities. These are the causes of many serious diseases in the body. The lesser their consumption, the better it is considered. In a research published in the National Journal of Medicine, sugar-salt side effects are considered to be the most dangerous for health. In such a situation, both have been advised to remain alert. Let us know which diseases can be caused by sugar and salt.
How dangerous is sugar for health?
Sugar contains a huge amount of calories. Essential nutrients are not found in it. Its effect is very bad on metabolism. This can cause many serious diseases, such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, cancer and liver diseases. Before sugar enters the bloodstream, it is split into two simple sugars, glucose and fructose, in the digestive tract. People who do not do physical hard work have more problems.
Also read: The risk of heart diseases will reduce, just reduce this one thing in your diet.
Disadvantages of eating too much sugar
weight increases rapidly
There may be a problem of diabetes
may cause dental problems
There may be less energy in the body
how dangerous is eating salt
What are the side effects of eating too much salt?
1. Hair falls
2. Kidney swelling
3. Increase in water retention in the body
4. Problem of bone weakness and osteoporosis
5. Dangerous diseases like heart disease, paralysis, high blood pressure and stroke
6. Feeling very thirsty
What do experts say
Dieticians say that we all consume salt and sugar daily. If you want to get good health then reduce the quantity of both in your diet. Weight: Many dangerous diseases can make you a victim. There can be serious harm to health.
Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.
Also read: This habit can make you a diabetes patient, improve it immediately otherwise..
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