Liver Cirrhosis : Liver is the only organ in the body that can compensate for its damage. If it is taken care of properly, this organ can regenerate itself and never grows old. Liver does more than 500 tasks for the body, big and small. That too not just once or twice but many times a day. It is a powerful organ but
Nowadays we are harming it due to bad eating habits and wrong lifestyle. Due to which many dangerous diseases related to liver are increasing. One such disease is liver cirrhosis, which is very dangerous and life-threatening. Know its symptoms…
Cause of liver cirrhosis
1. Drinking too much alcohol
2. Chronic hepatitis B infection
3. Chronic hepatitis C
4. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
What are the symptoms of liver cirrhosis
loss of appetite
Nausea and vomiting
Yellowing of the skin and eyes
rapid weight loss
Swelling of the feet, itching
Fatigue and weakness
When is liver cirrhosis fatal?
If liver cirrhosis is not treated on time, it can reach the fourth stage, which is extremely dangerous and life-threatening. In this stage, the liver stops working. If the right treatment is not received on time, death can occur within a year.
Symptoms of liver cirrhosis in the 4th stage
1. Yellowing of the skin
2. Vomiting with blood
Treatment of fourth stage of liver cirrhosis
In this stage, emergency treatment for liver cirrhosis begins. Liver transplant may also be required. In this, the damaged liver is removed with the help of surgery and a healthy liver is transplanted in its place.
There is a risk of liver cancer
Doctors say that when the liver is not functioning properly, it is unable to remove toxins. These get removed easily as a part of routine process. But this does not happen in case of liver cirrhosis. Due to this, confusion, disorientation, loss of memory, mental problems are seen. If treatment is not received, there is a risk of liver cancer. It is necessary to treat it on time on the advice of doctors.
Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.
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