Blood test for dementia: Dementia means memory loss means losing memory. Most of its cases come in elderly people. But these days, this problem is being seen in younger age. According to a new study, blood test may detect dementia quickly. The study stated that people physically play their dreams at bedtime due to idiopathic REM Sleep Behavior Disorder (IRBD). This disorder is a high -risk condition of dementia with Parkinson’s disease and levy bodies. It is a form of dementia which often causes a memory loss. Along with this, like Parkinson’s problems, they create problems.
Dementia address from blood test
Researchers at McGill University have found that the blood test developed to detect Alzheimer originally can also find out that dementia is most likely to develop with levy bodies among patients with IRBD sleep disorder. Analysis analyzes two proteins in blood tests, which act like a biomarker for Alzheimer’s.
Way to detect dementia early
Dr. Ronald Postuma, Professor in McGill’s Department of Neurology and Clinical researcher at The Neuro (Montreal Neurological Institute-Hospital), informed that with the care of 150 IRBD patients, the biomarckers were examined in their blood and their health was closely ignored. The blood test conducted four years ago predicted dementia in about 90 percent of patients, who later suffered the disease. This study also shows that there is the same similarity in the early stages of Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.
What do research say
Dr. Aline Delva, the writer of this research, said that this study tells that Alzheimer’s treatment can also be done in patients with this sleep disorder. Perhaps, if treatment starts early, dementia can be stopped with levy bodies. The research team planned to expand the study to confirm the study how well the test Parkinson’s disease detection can predict dementia’s risk in others with levy bodies with levy bodies.
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