Constipation and Cancer : Do you also complain of constipation all the time, do you feel full as soon as you eat something, if yes then be careful, because persistent constipation can be a sign of colon cancer. Colon or colorectal cancer is also called cancer of the large intestine.
This cancer occurs in the large intestine (colon) or rectum i.e. the last part of the gastro intestinal tract. Most people ignore the initial signs of this cancer, which can prove fatal later. If it is identified at the right time, it can also be treated. Let’s know about this cancer…
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Reason for increasing intestinal cancer
1. Eat more junk and fast foods instead of high fiber foods like wheat, barley, maize and whole grains, pulses, carrots and beetroot.
2. Carcinogenic is found in non-veg like red meat i.e. lamb, mutton, pork and processed meat, which can cause this cancer.
3. Eating high fat dairy products like cheese, butter, heavy cream in burgers and pizza can cause constipation and stomach related problems, which if not treated at the right time can lead to colon cancer.
4. Due to drinking alcohol and cigarettes.
signs of colon cancer
weight loss
bleeding in stool
Abdominal distension
persistent stomach ache
What to do to avoid colon cancer
1. Reduce eating junk food, fast food and street food.
2. Include vegetables and whole grains rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber and antioxidants in your diet.
3. Do yoga and meditation to reduce stress.
4. Diabetic patients should get proper treatment.
5. Do not ignore the problem of constipation.
6. Drink plenty of water. Drink coconut water and juice also.
7. Stay away from alcohol and drugs as much as possible.
8. Quit cigarettes immediately, stay away from tobacco.
9. Colon cancer screening should be done every year after a certain age like 45 years.
What is the treatment for colon cancer?
Like other cancers, colon cancer is also not detected in the beginning. The reason for this is its symptoms. Actually, most people take diseases like acidity, stomach burning, ulcerative colitis lightly and try to cure them with home remedies, which can sometimes take a dangerous form. Colon cancer is mostly detected in the last stage, then doctors give radiation therapy and chemotherapy to treat it. If necessary, surgery is also performed on the patient to remove the tumor. Laparoscopic and robotic are used in this.
Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.
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