Cancer Claims Rise : Now people are becoming aware about dangerous and deadly cancer. Last year in 2024, cancer patients made the highest number of health insurance claims. Cancer patients are the first to do this. There has been an increase of up to 12% in the number of claims made by cancer patients after being admitted to the hospital.
After this, the highest claimants are heart patients. The cost of treatment of these patients has also increased. Insurance companies have come out with figures of people making claims for five different diseases. Among these, claims related to respiratory diseases have increased the most. Let us know what the statistics say…
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Cancer patients made the most insurance claims
MediaAssist Healthcare Services Company has collected this information. It works as a third party for health insurance companies. This company processes claims for most of the hospitalization cases in the country. The company’s analysis shows that the claim rate for the number of insured people in case of cancer has increased after the age of 40 years.
Women are more at risk of this disease
Dhruv Rastogi, Data Science Head of MediAssist Healthcare Services, informed that the rate of cancer in women is 1.2 to 1.5 times higher than that of men. At the same time, cardiac cases in men are 1.3 to 1.5 times more than that of women. Experts have advised everyone to improve their diet and lifestyle.
Treatment of this disease is more common in the elderly
According to this report, senior citizens i.e. people above 60 years of age have got the maximum treatment for cataract. In the treatment of respiratory diseases, the reasons for high inflation have been said to be pollution and long-term effects of corona. Regarding the report, experts say that even though awareness has increased among people after Covid, due to carelessness regarding health, stress, diabetes, high blood pressure and heart diseases are increasing. There is a need to be careful about this.
Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.
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