HIV Transmission Between Partners : Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) weakens our immunity. This may cause an academic immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). HIV weakens the immune system so much that the body is unable to fight even minor diseases by destroying the T-cells of our body. There are many confusion among people about AIDS and HIV. One of these questions is whether HIV/AIDS can spread even among the husband and wife. Let’s know the answer …
Can husband and wife have AIDS from each other
HIV mainly spreads from mother to child during unsafe sex, infected blood, needle or delivery, so married couples are also advised to be cautious about this infection. Doctors say that if caution is not taken, then HIV can also spread between husband and wife. Husband and wife can infect each other HIV/AIDS, if one partner is already HIV positive and is not taken care, then there is a high risk of getting infected.
How does HIV spread
1. Unprotected sex
If a partner already has a HIV infection and has sex without safety, then the infection can also spread to another partner. Many times people get careless thinking that they are married, so they are not at risk of any infection, but if a partner already has this virus, then another partner can also be infected.
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2. Infected blood or injection
If someone is already HIV and his blood is offered to another person, then the infection can spread. This virus can also spread through infected injections, blades, tattoos or devices used in piercing.
3. Pregnancy, delivery or breast feeding
If the mother is HIV infection, it can spread to the baby during pregnancy, delivery or breastfeeding. Therefore, it is advisable to take precautions. Because a little carelessness can make the coming child infected.
What to do to avoid HIV.
1. Get your HIV test done regularly.
2. Use latex condoms before physical relation.
3. Do not share the needles to take drugs. It would be better to stay away from drugs.
4. All sexual transmitted diseases should be tested and treated.
5. Ask to use the new blade in the salon.
6. While giving injections or giving blood test samples, note that the syringe should be removed only by opening a new packet. If you are used a steregeed syringe, refuse.
7. While getting tattooed, use the brand new needle.
Is HIV treated possible?
According to health experts, there is currently no permanent treatment for HIV or AIDS, but this virus can be kept under control with antiretroviral therapy (Art). Art medicines prevents the virus from growing and are helpful in living a normal life to the infected.
Disclaimer: Here information provided here is based only on beliefs and information. It is important to tell here that No recognition, does not confirm the information. Before implementing any information or recognition, consult the concerned expert.
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