Brain Cancer : The brain controls the entire body. In such a situation, if its health is not taken care of properly, problems can increase. It is very important to take care of even the smallest things related to brain health, otherwise many diseases can knock at the door. One of these diseases is cancer inside the brain.
It is commonly called brain tumor. According to the data of GLOBOCAN 2020, 2,51,329 people have died in India due to brain and central nervous system tumors. In such a situation, let us know the symptoms of brain cancer and ways to avoid it…
what is a brain tumor
Any kind of lump in the skull and brain is a brain tumor. It is usually associated with cancer but not every tumor is cancer. If it is not treated at the right time, it can be fatal. Brain tumor can occur at any age, so one should be careful.
how dangerous is brain cancer
Brain tumor or brain cancer is a dangerous disease. It affects not only the brain but the entire body, because the brain controls the entire body. Elderly people may be at risk of developing tumors. Most of the tumors are non-cancerous in people between the ages of 20 and 40, while those above 50 years of age are more likely to develop cancerous tumors.
How many types of brain tumors are there
1. Non-cancerous brain tumor
This is called a non-cancerous brain tumor, which grows slowly in the brain. Depending on the size and location, it can be easily removed; after surgery, the patient can easily live for 15 to 20 years.
2. Cancerous brain tumor
This is called primary brain tumor. After its surgery, the patient survives only for 2 to 3 years. That is why most people avoid surgery. Due to this, they have to face vomiting, headache, seizure attack or problems in getting up and sitting.
3. Metastasis tumor
In case of metastasis tumor, the risk of lung cancer, liver cancer and breast cancer also increases. In such people, due to cancer, these cells reach the brain and start damaging it. These tumors develop in the brain due to some other disease.
Symptoms of brain cancer
1. Continuous increase in headache, repeated pain in the same area, relief after taking medication and then pain starting again.
2. Vomiting and nausea may occur along with headache.
3. Due to brain tumor, there can be problems in the eyes, blurred vision can occur.
4. There may be difficulty in speaking in brain cancer.
5. In some cases, hearing problems may occur due to brain tumor.
6. Brain cancer patients may have problems with balance.
7. Brain tumors can cause mental changes, such as amnesia, irritability, and depression
8. Brain cancer patients may experience weakness and fatigue.
9. Muscle weakness can occur due to brain tumor.
10. In some cases, brain cancer patients may have seizures.
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