Weak Immunity Symptoms : The immune system is our body’s safety shield, which protects the body with serious and dangerous diseases. The stronger the immunity, the farther the diseases will be. Nowadays many of our habits have become enemies of immunity, which are making this natural security shield weak. However, when our immunity starts weakening, then the body starts indicating it. Understanding these signs or symptoms, you can increase the ability to fight against diseases.
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5 big symptoms of weak immunity
1. Frequent colds
It is normal to have a cold in winter or when changing weather. Most people also recover in 7 to 10 days. Because it takes at least 3-4 days for the immune system fighting diseases to make antibodies. But if cold remains most of the time, then it is a big sign of weak immunity.
2. not to be cured of stomach
According to the National Institute of Health, the immunity depends up to 70% on the digestive system. Because this is where beneficial bacteria and microorganisms help protect the intestine from infection. If there is often a complaint of diarrhea or constipation remains, then it is a symptom of weak immunity.
3. Infection or pneumonia
If the American Academy of Allergy is asthma and immunology, if there is an infection in the ear more than four times a year or pneumonia is happening twice a year, then it can be symptoms of weakening of the immune system, which should not be ignited.
4. Filling wounds late
The skin immediately starts controlling the decimid due to cutting, burning, peeling, peeling, peeling, peeling or injury, and helps in creating new skin. For this, the work of healing the wounds starts by sending nutrients rich in nutrients. This process depends on healthy immune cells. Meaning if the wound is not healing quickly then it can be a symptom of weak immune system.
5. Stay under long stress
If someone is under stress for a long time, then the response of the immune system also becomes very weak. According to the American Psychological Association, stress reduces the amount of lymphocytes in the body, which helps in fighting infections. Meaning more and long stress is also a symptom of weak immunity.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=- HVTW_LMBJQ
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