Oscar winner actor Jean Hacamen and his wife and daughter Betasi Arakav have died due to the Hanta virus. The officer of New Mexics confirmed this on Friday. These days, the outbreak of Hant Virus is spreading rapidly all over the world. The Hanta virus spreads rapidly with the rodent (rat species) in the contact of stool or toilet. There is no special treatment for this, but if you take the help of medical emergency in time, then you can get well soon.
The biggest problem with this infection is that in the beginning its symptoms are very flu. But after a time it spreads so fast that you can also die from it. Its initial symptoms can cause pain in the body, severe head pain as well as joint pens.
For the first time, a different pattern of human deaths was seen
This disease is so severe that its start starts with infection in the lungs. For this reason, it is called ‘Hantvirus Pulmonary Syndrome’. American Disease Control and Prevention Centers started keeping a special watch on this infection in the Four Corner sector in 1993. The Fore Corner sector has Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico and Utah.
Research has been going on over the disease for years and Dr. Michellers, Pulmonologist at the New Mexico Health Science Center, who was involved in the help of patients, said, he was a learned doctor of Indian Health Services who first saw a separate pattern of humans’ deaths. The most surprising thing was that he was absolutely healthy, he had no problem. But after a heart attack, he was reaching Hospital.
When do the symptoms of this disease appear?
The most dangerous thing with this disease is that its symptoms appear on the body after 1-8 weeks. Initially, fatigue, fever and muscle pain occur.
Hanta virus symptoms
According to the CDC, as the disease grows at its peak, its initial symptoms are coughing, shortness of breathing and water filling in the lungs. According to the CDC, the disease causes severe infection in the windpipe. About one third of the people can die.
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The CDC said that the best way to avoid germs did not come in the contact of the road and their stool. Follow some special tricks to clean the stool of the rhodent. First of all, use bleach solution to clean. Beware of sweeping or vacuuming because it can spread the virus to the air.
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