In today’s fast-paced life, it is very important to take care of heart health. Many times we do things that are not good for our heart. If we do not correct them in time, we may get heart disease. Let us know which habits are most harmful for our heart and how we can avoid them.
eating too much fried food
Eating too much fried and spicy food harms the heart. Such food contains a lot of oil and fat, which can cause blockage in the heart veins. Therefore, try to eat fresh fruits, vegetables and food with less oil.
Smoking and alcohol
Smoking (smoking cigarettes) and drinking alcohol are extremely harmful for the heart. This can cause heart rhythm disturbances and increase blood pressure. It is very important to give up these habits to keep the heart healthy.
Stress and lack of sleep
If you are always stressed and do not sleep well, then this can also be harmful for the heart. Stress increases blood pressure, which has a bad effect on the heart. Take 7-8 hours of good sleep every day and try to keep yourself relaxed.
not exercising
If you sit all day and do not move your body, this can also cause heart disease. Walk or exercise for at least 30 minutes every day, this strengthens the heart.
Eating too much salt
Eating too much salt can harm heart health. Excessive salt intake increases blood pressure, which increases pressure on the heart and increases the risk of heart diseases. If you want your heart to remain healthy, use as little salt as possible in your food. Especially processed food or outside food usually contains more salt, which should be avoided. Pay attention to the amount of salt in home-cooked food as well. Eating less salt keeps the heart healthy and blood pressure also remains normal.
Excess weight or obesity is also not good for heart health. Obesity increases blood pressure and cholesterol, which has a bad effect on the heart. Therefore, to keep your weight under control, eat healthy food and exercise regularly. By paying attention to all these habits, you can keep your heart healthy. Apart from this, it is also important to get a checkup from a doctor from time to time so that the heart health remains good.
Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, please consult the concerned expert.
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