Eye flu in india: Conjunctivitis, which we know by the name of flu in common language, is an infectious and seasonal disease. Whenever there is a change in weather in India, Eye flu rapidly makes people its prey. Conjunctivitis, conjunctivitis is inflamed in the white part of the eye. This affects the thin and transparent layer covering the white part of the eye and the inside of the eyelids. Therefore, I specialists recommend avoiding eye flu infection. Let us know how it spreads, what is the reason for this and the ways to avoid it …
What is eye flu
According to doctors, I have flu common infection. Everyone comes in its grip at some time or the other. Due to this infection, there is irritation and itching in the eyes. This disease can spread very fast. When the infection of eye flu becomes very high, it causes itching problems by reaching the thin membrane of the eyes and it can cause swelling in the eyes. This infection starts with one eye and reaches from another eye and one person to another. In this, the color of the eyes first becomes yellow and then slowly turns red.
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How many types are I flu
1. Normal Eye Flu:
2. Bacterial conjunctivity
3. Viral conjunctivity
4. Allergic conjunctivity
5. Gonococcal conjunctivity
What is the cause of eye flu infection
1. Eye flu is spread by flu virus and bacteria. The reason for this is Hemophilus bacteria.
2. This bacterial connectivity can also spread through sexual relation.
3. During delivery, the mother can be vulnerable to this bacteria or virus, due to which its effect is also seen in children.
4. This bacterial conjunctivity (eye flu) can appear for 5-12 days of delivery in the newborn.
5. Cosmetic or contact lens
6. Flu can also be caused by dust and soil.
7. This problem can also be caused by allergies from some things.
Eye flu symptoms
Eyes become red and swollen
Continuous water from the eyes
Blood can come from the eyes
There may be swelling on the eyelids
The eyelids stick
Stick to brighten eyes
What to do to avoid eye flu infection
Do not touch the eyes, do not rub
Remove contact lens before bedtime
Do not swim in case of infection.
Clean the eyes two or three times with water
Do not share towel, glasses, pillow
Clean hands thoroughly with soap, hot water
Give children a sanitizer in school bags
Protect the eyes from dust.
Distance away from the coming of the flu.
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