Eye Problem : Laptops, smartphones, artificial lights or food are affecting the eyes the most today. A study published in the National Library of Medicine states that by 2050, more than half of the world’s population will be suffering from blurred vision i.e. eye problems. More than 50% of people will be suffering from myopia i.e. nearsightedness. Its effect is also being seen in countries like Singapore, which is also called the capital of Myopia.
In Singapore, the eyes of small children are getting damaged. The situation is such that about 80% of the youth there have myopia. Almost every second person is forced to wear glasses. In such a situation, let us know what myopia is, how it occurs and how we can protect our eyes from it…
Why are eye problems increasing in Singapore?
According to Audrey Chia, Associate Professor and Senior Consultant at Singapore National Eye Centre (SNEC), this problem has been there in Singapore for more than 20 years. Here everyone is myopic. But now it is becoming a problem not only of Singapore but of the world. Different lifestyles, blue light emitted from mobile and laptops are reducing the age of the eyes. About 40% of adults in America are myopic, this problem is also more in South Korea, Taiwan and China. The problem of myopia has increased rapidly in children in China. About 76%-90% of children have this problem.
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What is the risk of myopia in India?
what is myopia
Myopia is an eye condition in which a person starts seeing distant objects blurred due to refractive problems. People suffering from myopia have problems in watching TV, using mobile or seeing signboards on the road or driving.
Symptoms of myopia
1. Distant objects appear blurry
2. Straining to see distant objects
3. Tiredness and tension in the eyes
4. Loss of focus
Cause of myopia
visual stress
Spending more time on the screen
Family History
Staying at home or office for a long time
How to protect your eyes
1. Increase outdoor activities, visit parks, gardens or green places more often.
2. Reduce screen time. Instead of doing reading and writing work continuously, take breaks.
3. Do not read the screen or book too closely.
4. Sit in front of the screen only wearing anti-glare or blue cart glasses.
5. Eat foods rich in Vitamin A and C.
6. Spend more time outside the house in sunlight.
7. Stay away from smoking and alcohol.
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