Fig is the fruit of Ficus tree and is related to the mulberry family. Interestingly, figs and its leaves are rich in essential nutrients like copper and vitamin B6 which provide many health benefits. If the figs are eaten in excess, then it can be side effects. These include digestive problems, allergies and some drugs with mutual activity. Digestive problems: flatulence: High amounts of fiber present in figs can cause flatulence, gas or diarrhea.
stomach pain:
High amounts of sugar present in figs can cause stomach pain. Allergic reactions, itching or inflammation may be allergic to figs, especially if it is not fully cooked. Difficulty in breathing or rash may experience difficulty or rash in breathing after eating figs.
Mutual activity with drugs: The amount of vitamin K present in figs can be interconnected with blood thinning medicines, antiplatelet drugs and antidiabic medicines.
Calcium absorption
The high amounts of oxalat present in figs can affect calcium absorption in the body.
By eating it, cholesterol remains under control, as well as the body like calcium, potassium, copper, phosphorus, manganese and magnesium is also available to the body.
Due to which the body gets instant energy. Be it figs or any dry fruits cures many problems of the body. But on the other hand some people should avoid eating it. Because it can prove to be harmful for health. Let’s know which people should not eat figs at all?
Who should not eat figs
Allergy problem: If a person who has any kind of allergy, should not do figs. Or if there is also a mind to eat, then it should be eaten at all because it can prove to be harmful for health.
Diabetes patients: Natural sugar occurs in figs. If it is eaten in large quantities, then the sugar level in the blood can increase. Therefore, diabetes patients should do less or less dry fruits like figs.
Stomach gas: People who have gas problems should also avoid eating figs. Because this gas problem can be cup. Especially those who have gas or blotting problems should be avoided.
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Surgery: If you have a recent surgery, then you should avoid eating dryfruits like figs. Figs can react with drugs that dilute blood.
Liver disease: If you are suffering from any kind of liver disease, then you should not eat figs even by mistake. It can create many problems related to liver along with slowing down the liver function.
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