Processed food items such as ready-made food, cooked canned food can prove to be very dangerous for health. For your information, let us tell you that eating excessive processed food significantly increases the risk of type-2 diabetes. Most food items are processed to a certain degree. But such food items are not dangerous for the body. Some processed foods contain a lot of chemicals. Apart from all this, processed food contains a lot of sugar, dangerous chemicals, carbohydrates and fats. Due to eating processed food, the risk of obesity, aging and many serious diseases increases significantly.
high blood pressure
Eating canned food significantly increases the risk of high BP. Many things are added to canned food to keep it fresh for a long time. Therefore, its excessive use can prove dangerous for any person. Patients with high BP should avoid this type of food. Because the amount of salt and sugar in it is very high.
The amount of oil in canned food is very high. The type of fat contained in oil has double the calories. Which can be very dangerous for the body. Eating canned food leads to rapid weight gain.
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To keep canned food fresh, a large amount of starch is used. Starch is a type of polymer which is an important part of the glucose chain. Due to high amount of starch in food, the risk of sugar level in the body increases significantly. It also damages the tissues present in the body.
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is dangerous for the heart
Canned food contains trans fat which increases the cholesterol level in the body. Increase in cholesterol can prove to be very dangerous for your heart. Many types of diseases can occur later on.
Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.
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