Bobby Deol says during an interview that he had a vertigo attack during the promotion of the ashram ‘season 3. When asked if he still felt nervous during the promotion, Bobby told how he felt. He said, this was the first time I was playing the role of a villain. And I was definitely nervous. I remember the day I was promoting it. I had a vertigo attack because I have a problem of vertigo. I think what will be the reaction of people to play such a character. There was a lot of panic and fear about this.
This disease has a bad effect on the brain
Bobby further said that many times, actors are so impressed by others that they do not trust their abilities. He highlighted the fact that the weakest point for an actor is when their brain deteriorates and they stop believing in what they are able to achieve. As a result, many people choose an easy path instead of getting what really wants. Then he said that it was not an easy option for him to play the role of Baba Nirala because he was re -starting his career and he had chosen a role in which he was never seen before.
what is vertigo
In vertigas, the patient seems to be roaming around. If the patient is sitting in one place or standing, then he will feel that all the things and humans present with him are roaming around. This is a mental disease.
vertigo are of two types
Vertigan disease has been seen in two forms. Peripheral vertigo, which contains some kind of problem in the inner part of the ear or in the vestibular nerve. If there is more impression in the ear, then this problem becomes peripheral vertigo. The vestibular nerve works to create body balance. The second type of vertis is named Central Vertigo. This disease can occur if there is a stroke, brain tumor, migraine, infection, a serious head injury. & Nbsp;
know the symptoms of vertigas
Dizziness, darkness in front of the eyes, excessive sweating, feeling weakness, not hearing loud sound, having difficulty in making balance, sharp pain in the head, less hearing, fear of height, fear of height, feeling like falling all the time. & Nbsp;
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Now treat vertigo
Doctors recommend resting in case of vertigo attack. Doing yoga also creates a balance of brain. Do not go to fast noise or any place where the brain is upset. If the problem is getting more then immediately show the psychiatrist. & Nbsp;
Disclaimer: Here information provided here is based only on beliefs and information. It is necessary to mention here that & nbsp; Abplive.com & nbsp; No recognition, does not confirm information. Before implementing any information or recognition, consult the concerned expert.
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