A video of Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut is becoming very viral on social media. In which she is seen drinking water in a silver glass during a podcast. When Kangana was asked that the reason for drinking water in silver glass, he said that silver means coolness, drinking water in it keeps health right. In addition to bile digestion, metabolism, it relieves small health problems associated with the body.
According to Ayurveda, it is associated with elements of fire and water. The actress told about it during a podcast during the promotion of her film Emergency. He said that silver water reduces the increased bile level. It is also a symbol of coolness.
Although this tradition may seem unusual to some people, silver utensils have been the main part of health and well -being for centuries. Silver has been often used in royal traditions. Silver health benefits have been re -validated by modern science. Which includes its ability to kill harmful bacteria and purify water naturally.
Let’s know about the benefits of drinking water from silver glass
Strengthens immunity
Drinking water in a silver vessel strengthens immunity. It is believed that it reduces inflammation and bacterial infection of the body, which makes the body immunity good. Apart from this, silver increases the pH balance of the body and is rich in antioxidants like polyphenol and flavonoids. Which are known to fight serious diseases like arthritis, dementia and even cancer.
Protects from bacterial infection
Silver also kills bacteria found in water. And cleans the water. Unlike plastic bottles, it can remove the dirt found in water. The fray maintains the purity of water without introducing toxins.
Keep bacteria in water in a silver glass
Water kept in silver glass or bottles can be safe to drink for a long time. The antiseptic properties of the chadi protect them from water -borne diseases like cholera and typhoid, which remain serious health concerns around the world.
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Maintains freshness of water
Unlike plastic or other ingredients that can spoil the stored water quality. System keeps the water fresh for a long time. It prevents the development of fungus, fungus and bacteria, which makes it to maintain the purity and taste of water. It is absolutely perfect.
Disclaimer: Some information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.
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