Delhi HC On Aashiqui Trademark: Bhushan Kumar’s T-Series and Mukesh Bhatt’s Special Films together made Aashiqui 2. After this, both the companies thought of making the third sequel of the film, Aashiqui 3. But T-Series announced a film named ‘Tu Hi Aashiqui’ or ‘Tu Hi Aashiqui Hai’. After which Mukesh Bhatt’s company filed a petition against T-Series.
Mukesh Bhatt had alleged that T-Series was using the word ‘Aashiqui’ without his permission. Now the Delhi High Court has heard the case and given a verdict in favor of Mukesh Bhatt.
Ban on the use of the word ‘Aashiqui’
The Delhi High Court has barred Bhushan Kumar’s T-Series and its associates from using ‘Tu Hi Aashiqui’, ‘Tu Hi Aashiqui Hai’ or any title with the word ‘Aashiqui’ in it. According to Bar and Bench, Justice Sanjeev Narula clarified that the word ‘Aashiqui’ is not a standalone word in the title.
T-Series gave this argument
Justice Narula said that the word Aashiqui is part of a series of two successful films of 1990 and 2013. However, it was said on behalf of T-Series that Mukesh Bhatt or his company had not raised any objection to the use of the word ‘Aashiqui’ in the 2021 film ‘Chandigarh Kare Aashiqui’. In such a situation, it was considered that they have renounced their rights.
T-Series cannot make a film with the title ‘Aashiqui’
These arguments of T-Series were not accepted by the Delhi High Court and the court gave the verdict in favour of Mukesh Bhatt. According to this, T-Series or any company cannot use any title containing the word Aashiqui in their films.
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