Deepika-Ranveer Spotted With Daughter First Time: Bollywood’s power couple Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone became parents of a lovely daughter in September. Since then, fans are eager to see a glimpse of this couple’s love. Recently, the star couple shared the picture of their darling’s feet and revealed the name of their daughter, Dua Padukone Singh. Now for the first time, Deepika and Ranveer have been spotted publicly with their blessings.
Deepika-Ranveer Singh spotted with daughter Dua
Let us tell you that Deepika and Ranveer Singh were seen together today going to the private airport in Kalina, Mumbai. In the viral video, Kalki actress is seen holding her little angel close to her chest. During this, Deepika was seen in a comfortable look with open hair and no makeup. While Ranveer Singh was seen in a pink colored hoodie, he was seen wearing a man bun and oversized glasses. Currently, this video of the couple with their daughter Dua is going viral on social media.
Daughter’s name was revealed on Diwali
Let us tell you that on the special occasion of Diwali, Ranveer Singh and Deepika Padukone had shared a small glimpse of their baby girl Dua. In the picture, the couple’s beloved was seen wearing a red ethnic dress. Along with a sneak peek, Deepika-Ranveer also revealed the name of their little princess and what it means. Deepika and Ranveer wrote on their Instagram handle, “Dua Padukone Singh ‘Dua’: Which means a prayer. Because he is the answer to our prayers, our hearts are full of love and gratitude, Deepika and Ranveer.”
Deepika Work Front
Talking about work front, Deepika has many projects in her kitty. Her Nag Ashwin’s Kalki 2 will go on floors in January-February 2025, and next year, she plans to shoot The Intern with Big B.
Also read: Malaika Arora reached the airport in full swag with crop top and coat buttons open, looked stunningly beautiful even at the age of 51.