Grandmother’s care: Grandmothers have a wealth of knowledge. Therefore, take out time and sit with them. The elders in the house stop us from doing many things. There are some things which even we get confused after hearing.
One of these shoes and slippers will be upside down. In fact, if grandmothers see shoes or slippers turned upside down, they immediately ask them to straighten them. Sometimes, without giving a detailed answer, she just says that shoes and slippers should not be turned inside out, it is inauspicious.
Everyone knows about grandmothers’ stories and grandmothers’ home remedies. But grandmothers also have many things related to knowledge, which we always hear but rarely pay attention to. Similarly, grandmother’s prohibition on straightening inverted shoes and slippers may seem strange to you for some time, but there is a religious reason for it too. Let us know from the religious point of view why our grandmothers object when their slippers are seen upside down.
- It is believed that if shoes and slippers are inside out, they will cause fights at home. This causes discord among family members.
- Grandmothers say that if shoes and slippers are kept upside down, Goddess Lakshmi gets angry and there is loss of money.
- It is also believed that if shoes and slippers are inside out, there is a possibility of falling sick.
Religious beliefs
According to Vastu Shastra, positive energy gets lost if shoes and slippers are kept upside down. Therefore, shoes and slippers should always be kept in proper place. Astrologer Anish Vyas says that Shani Dev is considered to be the factor for feet. In such a situation, Shani Dev may get angry if the shoes and slippers are inside out.
Read this also: Dadi-Nani Ki Baatein: It is evening, do not sit on the threshold, why do grandmothers say
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