Grandmother’s care: Ekadashi date has been given special importance in Hindu religion. This day is dedicated to the worship of Lord Vishnu. It is also necessary to follow some special rules on the day of Ekadashi. It is believed that no one should consume rice on the day of Ekadashi. Even if you do not observe Ekadashi fast for some reason, consumption of rice is still prohibited.
The elders or grandmothers of the house also refuse to eat or cook rice on the day of Ekadashi. Even in the scriptures, consumption of rice on this date is considered prohibited. These words of your grandmothers may seem strange or a myth to you for some time. But its causes and the harm caused by it have been explained in scriptures and science.
Therefore, if you follow the advice given by your grandmothers, you will remain happy and will be saved from inauspicious incidents in future. Let us know why grandmothers refuse to eat rice on the day of Ekadashi.
Why consumption of rice is prohibited on Ekadashi
According to religious belief, the one who eats rice on Ekadashi takes next birth as a crawling creature. Even in Vishnu Purana, eating rice on Ekadashi is prohibited. It is said that eating rice on Ekadashi does not yield virtuous results. This is because rice is called Havishya Anna i.e. food of the gods. As per the scriptures, to respect the Gods and Goddesses, rice should not be consumed on Ekadashi date.
What is the scientific reason?
On the day of Ekadashi, people observe fast and remain engrossed in religious activities. According to science, rice has high water content. The Moon, the factor of mind, has more influence on the water element. In such a situation, when the mind becomes restless, the fasting rules cannot be followed and one cannot concentrate on worship. That is why consumption of rice is prohibited on Ekadashi.
Also read: Dadi-Nani Ki Baatein: Women should not break coconut, why do grandmothers say this?
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