Do you think smoking cigarettes only damages the lungs? If yes, then you can be shocked to know the truth. Cigarette smoke gradually causes damage to the entire body like poison. From the heart to the mind, from the skin to the eyes, no organs can escape this poison. Have you ever thought that the cigarette that gives you a few minutes of peace. She is stealing many years from your life? Smoking also increases the risk of heart attack, stroke, low eyesight and even blindness. On this National No Smoking Day 2025, let us know which organs are harmed by cigarettes and why leaving them will be the biggest gift for your health.
1. Heart
The risk of heart attack and stroke in cigarette smokers is 2 to 4 times more. Nicotine and tar narrowing the blood vessels from cigarette, which affects blood circulation and increases the risk of heart disease. The carbon monoxide present in the smoke reduces the amount of oxygen in the blood, which puts more pressure on the heart. Blood pressure is always high, which gradually increases the risk of heart attack and stroke.
2. Brain
Do you know that smoking cigarettes can weaken memory and increase the risk of dementia? The chemicals present in the smoke damage the brain cells. Which increases the risk of stroke. It weakens the nervous system. Which reduces concentration and thinking ability.
3. Skin
Cigarette smoke snatches moisture and essential nutrients from your skin, due to which wrinkles, spots and skin start to become lifeless. The production of collagen decreases. Due to which the skin starts getting loose and you start looking old ahead of time. The skin of smokers quickly becomes lifeless and black, because smoking reduces the supply of oxygen in the skin.
4. Kidney
Do you know that smoking cigarettes increases the risk of kidney cancer by 50%? The toxins present in the smoke damage the kidney tissue, causing the kidney to deteriorate gradually. This increases blood pressure, which can be the biggest reason for kidney failure.
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5. Eyes
Cigarette smoke damages the delicate blood vessels of the eyes, which slows down blood circulation and weakens the vision. Smoking for a long time can cause cataract and blurred vision problems quickly. In cigarette smokers, the risk of age -related spotted degeneration (AMD) is three times higher, causing the vision to go completely with aging.
Disclaimer: Here information provided here is based only on beliefs and information. It is important to tell here that No recognition, does not confirm the information. Before implementing any information or recognition, consult the concerned expert.
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