Both kidneys filter blood even after two kidneys. Not only this, she also filters dirt. When the kidney filters, it maintains the balance of electrolyte in the body. But when there is a kidney, she can compensate for both kidney functions and runs them smoothly. Which is often more than 50% of normal work.
Kidney filters blood
Kidney function: Healthy kidney filters blood. Along with removing the dirt of the body, it also removes extra water from the body. Electrolyte balance, high BP and red blood cells help maintain cell production. The human body is designed with two kidneys. But it can only work perfectly with one. If a kidney is removed or damaged. So the remaining kidney may increase and can increase its workload to compensate for the loss of another.
The second kidney does its work around 70%
Some research suggests that the second kidney can increase its function to about 70% or even 75% that two kidneys obtain normally. Living with a kidney. Many people live a healthy, normal life with only a kidney, and the remaining kidney can often act similar to two kidney.
There are two kidneys in human body
Kidney plays many important roles in our body. It not only cleanses the blood, but also controls the production of red blood cells. Apart from this, it also removes the waste materials of the body. Normally humans have two kidneys, each of which is about 4 to 5 inches (12 cm) long. They weigh up to about 150 grams. The work of both these kidneys is to clean the blood.
When a person can live from a kidney …
You must have heard about many such people who either donated their kidneys or one of their kidneys are removed due to some disease. Even after this, he lives alive and lives healthy life. There are many people in the world who are alive on the same kidney. Not only this, according to the Kidney Health Organization, one in every 750 people are born with the same kidney, yet they do not have any problem.
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A kidney work increases
They do not have any kind of problem in humans by removing a kidney. However, the work of the second kidney left in his body increases. In such a situation, the same kidney cleans blood and removes waste materials. Such a person needs to follow a healthy routine. However, if a person does not have a single kidney, it is not possible to live without treatment.
Disclaimer: Here information provided here is based only on beliefs and information. It is important to tell here that No recognition, does not confirm the information. Before implementing any information or recognition, consult the concerned expert.
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