BSNL Data Leaked: Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited, a government-owned company, had to face a big data leak recently. Now, the government has also accepted the fact of this data leak. The Government of India has confirmed that the data of lakhs of BSNL subscribers has been leaked in the month of May this year. With this, the risk of people’s personal information being leaked had also increased.
In fact, hackers had stolen a large amount of data by breaking into BSNL’s system in the month of May this year. It was revealed that this data included subscribers’ names, addresses, phone numbers and other personal information. The danger is that cyber criminals can use the stolen data for fraud, identity theft or illegal activities. Initially, no official statement was issued regarding the data leak but now the government has given information about it.
What steps is the government taking now?
The government has taken this matter seriously and has ordered an investigation. At the same time, people have been asked to be alert and report any suspicious activity. Apart from this, subscribers have also been advised to change their online passwords immediately. They have also been asked to be cautious of calls coming from unknown numbers. There is also a need to take appropriate steps regarding data security. With the help of leaked data, hackers can make users their victims. In such a situation, if there is any suspicious transaction with you, contact the bank immediately and be alert.
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