The Pyaar Ka Punchnama actor has reportedly increased his fees for the third installment of the horror comedy franchise. According to many reports, Karthik has reportedly been paid a fee of Rs 45-50 crores to play the lead character of the film. This amount is about 233% more than Karthik’s previous fee for playing the role of Rooh Baba in ‘Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2’.
Let us tell you that Kartik Aryan was paid Rs 15 crore for ‘Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2’. Kiara Advani and Tabu were also in the film. ‘Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2’ achieved tremendous success at the box office after which the actor was gifted a Mac Laren GT by Bhushan Kumar.
Vidya Balan was in the original film. After this, the actress has now made a comeback in the third installment of the franchise. Vidya will once again be seen in her iconic Manjulika character. The actress has been paid Rs 10 crore as fee for ‘Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3’.
Madhuri Dixit will also be seen in ‘Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3’. Madhuri has been given a fee of around Rs 5-8 crore for the film. Currently, Vidya and Madhuri’s friend J Tomar is making waves.
Trupti will be seen romancing with Karthik in ‘Bhool Bhulaiyaa 3’. According to reports, the actress has been paid Rs 80 lakh for her role. Trupti has received a much less amount than Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2 lead actress Kiara Advani. Kiara had collected a fee of Rs 4 crore for the film.
The budget of the film is said to be Rs 150 crore and a total of Rs 65-68 crore has been spent on the fees of the star cast.
Karthik Aryan has collected the biggest amount from the film. The actor received about 33% of the entire budget of the film as fee.
Published at : 28 Oct 2024 02:05 PM (IST)