Best Credit Cards: While choosing a credit card, you should pay attention to your lifestyle, only then you will be beneficial. If you frequently shop from a brand’s outlet, choose a credit card that offers rewards or cashback on every purchase. Similarly, if you travel a lot by cab in connection with your work, then choose a card which can also become a source of income for you. Today in this news we will tell you about some such credit cards, through which you can save well and get great gifts.
Get rewards on every ride
Ola Money SBI Credit Card is also something similar, which Ola has launched in partnership with SBI Card. This card gives rewards up to 7 percent on every ride of Ola. You can use this international credit card at more than 24 million outlets across the world. Meaning that if any store accepts Visa or MasterCard for payment, then you will be able to use this card there.
Bill payment through card is also easy
Along with this, you can easily pay electricity, mobile and other utility bills by using the easy bill pay facility of the card. There is no annual fee on this card for the first year, but to renew it from the second year onwards, you will have to pay Rs 499. If someone makes a payment of Rs 1 lakh or more through the card in a year, the renewal fee will be reversed.
One percent reward is available on all spends from the card. Reward points get credited to Ola Money wallet, where one reward point is equal to Rs 1. Apart from this, you can also get one percent more discount on this card at any fuel station in the country. Card holders will also get fuel surcharge discount of up to 1%, which can give a maximum discount of up to Rs 100 per statement period.
These cards are also the best
Apart from this, there are many other credit cards which are very good in terms of cashback. in these Kotak Delight Platinum Credit Card There is also, which offers up to 10 percent cashback on movies and cashback. The joining fee for this is Rs 1,999.
Apart from this, if you are fond of movies then PVR Kotak Gold Credit Card It is the best, which gives you up to 5% cashback on movie tickets. Additionally, if you spend Rs 10,000 or more in a month with this card, you will get a chance to win one PVR movie ticket and two tickets on spends above Rs 15,000.
Kotak Essentia Platinum Credit Card It is also not behind in terms of cashback and rewards. With this, you get 10 reward points on shopping worth Rs 100 at departmental stores. You get 1 reward point on every spend of Rs 250 in any category. Not only this, every 6 months you can get 1,200 reward points or 6 PVR movie tickets on spending Rs 1.25 lakh.
Disclaimer: (The information provided here is being provided for information only. It is important to note here that investment in the market is subject to market risks. Always seek expert advice before investing money as an investor. does not advise anyone It is never advisable to invest money here.)
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