Black Plastic Containers Risks : The use of plastic containers in food items has increased. Be it food packaging or food delivery, black plastic containers are being used in everything. Due to being cheap and durable, their demand is increasing. But do you know that their excessive use can give rise to dangerous diseases like cancer.
Health experts say that these black plastic containers are made from recycled plastic. Many harmful chemicals are used in the process of making them, which dissolve in hot food as soon as it is kept and can pose a threat to health. Let us know what harm they can cause…
Why are black plastic containers dangerous?
Chemicals like carbon black are used to give black color to containers made from recycled plastic. Many types of plastics are mixed in recycling. Which also contain harmful chemicals. Research by Amsterdam’s Toxic-Free Future and Vrije University found that many household products made of black plastic cause cancer and affect hormones. On this basis, it is believed that black plastic containers can also cause cancer risk.
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DNA damage from plastic containers
In fact, bisphenol A is also found in many recycled plastic containers, which can increase the risk of hormonal imbalance in the body. This can lead to the risk of many dangerous diseases like cancer. Phthalates chemical is also found in black plastic, which can damage even DNA after reaching the body.
Precautions while using black plastic containers
1. Instead of hot food, cold food can be kept in black plastic containers.
2. By repeatedly using recycled plastic, harmful chemicals can reach the body through consumption. Avoid its repeated use.
3. Use plastic containers that are labeled ‘food-grade’. It may be safe to eat in them.
4. Try to avoid using black plastic containers as much as possible.
Disclaimer: Some of the information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.
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