Bajaj Housing Finance IPO: Bajaj Housing Finance’s IPO rocked the market last week. This IPO, which closed with record subscription, is now going to be listed in the stock market on Monday, September 16 at 10 am. The shares of the IPO of this Bajaj Group company have been allotted. The company’s IPO also rocked the grey market. However, now there has been a sharp decline in it. In such a situation, investors are eagerly waiting to see how much profit it is going to give on the day of listing on BSE and NSE.
The IPO is trading at a premium of Rs 69 in the grey market
According to, Bajaj Housing Finance IPO is currently trading at a premium of Rs 69 in the grey market. However, till the 14th, its GMP was trending at Rs 84. It has fallen significantly. Despite this, it is indicating almost 100 percent profit from its issue price of Rs 70. If the same situation remains till Monday and the grey market trends prove to be correct, then this IPO can double the investors’ money on the day of listing itself. Its listing can happen at Rs 139.
Bajaj Housing Finance breaks Tata Technologies’ record
People had bid Rs 3.2 lakh crore on Bajaj Housing Finance’s Rs 6,560 crore IPO. The company’s issue received about 90 lakh applications. It has also broken the previous record of 73.5 lakh applications of Tata Technologies. After Bajaj Finance and Bajaj Finserv of Bajaj Group, this is the third financial company to be listed on the stock market. Shares of Bajaj Finance and Bajaj Finserv also saw a jump on Friday. The stock of Bajaj Finance rose by Rs 170 to close at Rs 7598.50. Shares of Bajaj Finserv also rose by Rs 39 to close at Rs 1894.45.
Own from IPO Bajaj Housing Finance will strengthen its capital base
Bajaj Housing Finance’s IPO was subscribed 67 times. It was subscribed 209 times by qualified institutional buyers (QIB), 41 times by non-institutional investors (NII) and 6 times by retail investors. Bajaj Housing Finance will use the money raised from the IPO to meet future capital requirements. This will strengthen the capital base of Bajaj Housing Finance.
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