Arbaaz Khan’s Wife Sshura Khan: Arbaaz Khan’s second wife Shura Khan also remains in the headlines. She is often captured in the cameras of the paps in public. Now a video of Shura Khan’s conversation with the paps is going viral on social media which is also winning the hearts of the people. In the video, the star wife is seen asking the paps to sleep as it is late at night.
Video of Arbaaz Khan’s wife Shura Khan is going viral
Actually, in the video shared by Instant Bollywood, Shura Khan is seen coming out of her car wearing denim flared jeans and a fitted t-shirt. During this, Arbaaz Khan’s wife looks very attractive with open hair. While going inside the building, the paps also start clicking pictures of Shura Khan. The star wife also stops and clicks pictures while giving a lot of poses. During this, Shura Khan shows concern for the paps and says, “Go to sleep, it’s 11:30 pm.” To this, the paps replied, “We work till 3 o’clock.” This video of Shura is becoming very viral on social media, which the fans are liking a lot.
Arbaaz-Shura got married in December 2023
Let us tell you that Arbaaz and Shura’s love story started on the sets of the film ‘Patna Shukla’. Arbaaz Khan was the producer of this film while Shura was the makeup artist of the film’s actress Raveena Tandon. Later Arbaaz Khan married celebrity makeup artist Shura Khan on 24 December 2023 last year. The couple got married at the bungalow of the actor’s sister Arpita Khan.
This is Arbaaz Khan’s second marriage with Shura Khan. Earlier, the actor married Malaika Arora in 1998. They also have a son Arhaan Khan. At the same time, after 19 years of marriage, Arbaaz Khan and Malaika Arora got divorced in 2017. Malaika was also in a relationship with Arjun Kapoor. But there have been rumors of the couple’s breakup for quite some time.
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