Anushka Sharma Viral Look: Indian cricketer Virat Kohli’s wife and Bollywood actress Anushka Sharma’s Desi look is becoming increasingly viral. Actually, Anushka Sharma was seen in a Desi look for an advertisement shoot. Anushka Sharma’s Desi style is being liked by the fans. The Bollywood actress is looking very beautiful in traditional Indian attire and long hair. However, Anushka Sharma has posted a video from her Instagram account. Apart from this, the new hair look looks very attractive.
The photo is becoming very viral on social media
Anushka Sharma’s new desi style is going viral on social media. Apart from this, Virat Kohli fans are constantly commenting and praising the new look. Social media users say that Bhabhi Ji is looking very beautiful in the new look. Any amount of praise for this look is less.
Let us tell you that recently Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma were seen in London after the birth of their second child. The photo of both the couples made a lot of headlines on social media. During this, Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma were seen enjoying bhajans and kirtans. This kirtan was led by the famous Krishna Das at the Union Chapel in London. Anushka Sharma posted an Instagram post after the kirtan. In which she tagged Krishna Das. This post of both the couples went viral on social media.
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