Anand Mahindra: Mahindra Group Chairman Anand Mahindra said on Saturday that focus on the quality of work and not its quantity, because the world can change in 10 hours. Along with this, Mahindra Chairman has also joined the debate started by Larsen & Toubro (L&T) Chairman SN Subramanian on working 90 hours a week. Anand Mahindra, while addressing the National Youth Festival in Delhi, said that he is not on social media because he is alone. He said, “My wife is very beautiful, I like to look at her.”
L&T chairman stirs new debate on working hours
Larsen & Toubro (L&T) Chairman S N Subramanian’s comments have sparked controversy on social media. He had asked, “How long can you look at your wife?” Subramanian advocated a 90-hour work week and suggested that employees should not take leave even on Sundays.
The debate is going in the wrong direction – Anand Mahindra
Responding to a question about working 90 hours a week, Mahindra reiterated his respect for Infosys co-founder Narayana Murthy and others, saying, “I don’t want to say anything wrong, but I have to say something. I think That this debate is going in the wrong direction, because this debate is about the quantity of work.”
Focus should be on quality of work – not on hours – Anand Mahindra
He said, “What I am saying is that we have to focus on the quality of work, not the quantity of work. So, it is not a matter of 40 hours, 70 hours or 90 hours. What results are you giving? Even if Even if it’s 10 hours, you can change the world in 10 hours.”
Mahindra said he “has always believed that you should have people in your company who take intelligent decisions. So, the question is, what kind of brain makes the right decisions?” He also stressed that there must be a mind that “thinks holistically, that is open to suggestions coming from all over the world.” The Mahindra Group chairman also said that people from different backgrounds like engineers and MBAs should study art and culture so that they can take better decisions.
It is important to spend time with family and friends- Anand Mahindra
He underlined the need to spend time with family and friends, saying, “If you are not spending time at home, if you are not spending time with friends, if you are not reading, if you are not thinking- There is no time to reflect, so how do you bring the right inputs into decision making?”
Citing the example of his automobile manufacturing company Mahindra & Mahindra, Anand Mahindra said, “We have to decide what the customer wants in a car. If we are only in the office all the time, not with our families, we will How will we understand what people want to buy when they are not with their families? What kind of car do they want to sit in?”
Followers often ask questions on social media – Anand Mahindra
Mahindra is often asked by his followers on social media platform ‘X’ how much time he has and why he spends so much time on social media instead of working. Responding to this, the industrialist said, “I want to tell people that I am on ‘X’ on social media, not because I am alone… My wife is very beautiful. I love looking at her. I am more I don’t come here to make friends. I don’t understand what an amazing business tool it is, how I get feedback from 1.1 crore people on one platform….”
Last year, Infosys co-founder Narayana Murthy had also sparked a debate by saying that youth should be ready to work 70 hours a week.
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