Allu Arjun Released From Jail: Allu Arjun has been released from jail in the Sandhya theater stampede case. The actor was arrested by the police yesterday after which he was sent to judicial custody for 14 days. Later, Telangana Court granted bail to Allu Arjun. Despite this, the actor had to spend the night in jail. But now he is out of jail.
Nampally court had sent Allu Arjun on remand for 14 days. After which he was taken to Chanchalguda Central Jail yesterday. However, later, the actor was granted interim bail by the Telangana High Court on a personal bond of Rs 50,000. The actor has been granted bail for four weeks.
#BREAKING Actor Allu Arjun released from jail @aparna_journo , #AlluArjun #BreakingNews #ABPNews
— ABP News (@ABPNews) December 14, 2024
Allu Arjun was seen leaving jail with his father Allu Arvind. As soon as he was released from jail, the actor reached Geeta Arts Production House.
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